Glaxosmithkline $3 bn Settlement
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Other DrugsThe lawsuit filed by the US government and the whistleblowers also included drugs like Advair, Lamictal, Imitrex, Lotronex, Flovent, Valtrex, and Zofran. Advair was approved by the FDA in August 2000 in dosages of 100/50, 250/50 and 500/50 for treatment of moderate to severe asthma in patients of 12 years and older . However, the whistleblowers and US government alleged that during the period January 2000 through June 2010, the drug had been prescribed for the treatment of mild intermittent and mild persistent asthma, though the drug had not got approval from the FDA... The SettlementOn July 2, 2010, GSK pleaded guilty and entered into an agreement with the US government through the United States Department of Justice to resolve criminal and civil liability. Under the criminal resolution, GSK pleaded guilty on three counts of violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for three of its drugs, Paxil, Wellbutrin and Avandia. In the case of Paxil and Wellbutrin, GSK pleaded guilty to misbranding and false and misleading labeling. Also, it pleaded guilty to failure to report safety data about the drug Avandia. GSK agreed to pay $ 1 billion in criminal penalties and $2 billion toward a civil settlement... Toward Becoming More ResponsibleAfter the settlement agreement with the US government through the US Justice Department, Witty, in a press note expressed regret over the issue and said that the company had learnt from the mistakes in the past. In the same breath, he sought to portray GSK’s crimes and violate actions as having been committed in another era and as echoes of the past which had originated many years ago. He also said that those practices had changed radically since he had taken over as the CEO... Exhibits
Exhibit I: Pharma's Top 11 Marketing Settlements in US
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